Latest List for ECE 2025 Embedded Systems Major Projects

We offer embedded systems major projects for ECE students with relevant controllers. Explain you thoroughly from the inception level i.e. abstract point to final submission.

Teach you the source code module by module in a neat way. Explain hardware circuitry and connections with schematics.

IEEE based Embedded Systems major Projects for ECE students

1 Drowsiness Detection System using Eye Aspect Ratio Technique
2 Energy-efficient Face Recognition Authentication System Using Human Detection IoT Modules
3 Smart Agriculture Using Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi
4 Real-Time Smart Home Surveillance System of Based on Raspberry Pi
5 Real Time Application of Vehicle Anti Theft Detection and Protection with Shock Using Facial Recognition and IoT Notification
6 Development of a Hand held device for Automatic License Plate Recognition
7 Smart Attendance System using QR Code
8 Raspberry Pi Based Smart Wearable Device for Women Safety using GPS and GSM Technology
9 Security Experiences in IoT based applications for Building and Factory Automation
10 Design and implementation of an embedded system for data transfer in a car using CAN protocol
11 An Efficient Car Parking Management System using raspberry-pi
12 Internet of Things (IoT) for Bank Locker Security System
13 Design of Raspberry Pi Web-based Energy Monitoring System for Residential Electricity Consumption
14 A Design of Intelligent Wearable Health Monitoring System Based on IoT
15 Statistical Time-based Intrusion Detection in Embedded Systems
16 IoT Assisted MQTT for segregation and monitoring of waste for smart cities
17 Real-time video monitoring of vehicular traffic and adaptive signal change using Raspberry Pi
18 Traffic Management by Monitoring Weather Parameters and Pollutants Remotely using Raspberry Pi
19 Secure Home Entry Using Raspberry Pi with Notification via Telegram
20 Low-Cost Industrial Controller based on the Raspberry Pi Platform
21 Design and Implementation of IoT based Energy Management System with Data Acquisition
22 Prototype Of Aquaculture Using Iot Technologies
23 Road Sign Recognition System for Autonomous Vehicle using Raspberry Pi
24 Design and Development of a Vehicle Safety Detection and Alarm System

Best IoT based embedded systems Projects for ECE students

IOT02 Smart electricity meter using IOT
IOT03 Smart Street lights using IOT
IOT04 Weather Report streaming with graphs using IOT
IOT05 Industry parameters monitoring and controlling system based on embedded web server
IOT06 IOT based Greenhouse monitoring and controlling system
IOT07 IOT Based Home Automation-Smart way to controlling your home from anywhere
IOT08 Implementation of Vehicle tracking system using IOT
IOT09 Automatic and instantaneous power station power quality monitoring system using IOT
IOT10 Virtual care taker-online patient monitoring system.
IOT11 Traffic lights Control System
IOT12 Cell Phone Tower Base Station Safety and Security System
IOT13 ZIGBEE or RF and internet based advanced street light controlling system
IOT13 Wireless Sensor Network for Energy Efficiency
IOT14 DAM Water Level Monitoring
IOT15 Women Safety Using IOT
IOT16 Solid Wastage Management System for Smart Cities
IOT17 Automated Street Light Control And Manhole Monitoring With Fault Detection & Reporting System For Municipal Department.
IOT18 Missing People Identification System Iot

Live Projects

RT01 Single or Multi electronic notice boards with operating distance up to 1000meters using RS485 protocol
RT02 Efficient power saver for street lights using LDR, RTC, LEDs light with solar power
RT03 Station names with distance indicator in railways
RT04 Wireless controller for operating power point presentations with laser light indication.
RT05 Industrial data logger using RS485
RT06 Voice / touch screen /MEMS controlled Wheel chair for patients and physically challenged persons with capacity upto100Kgs
RT07 Elegant home with power saving, security, safety, remote controlling and auto control of water tank motor
RT08 A new generation smart digital home, security, safety and  power saving and power quality monitoring
RT09 Intelligent train engine to avoid accidents and controlling railway gate automatically
RT10 Vehicle theft control and accident location intimation through SMS
RT11 Intelligent traffic signaling priority system for ambulances and VIP vehicles
RT12 Automatic marks sending system to students through SMS
RT13 Automation of tollgate
RT14 Electronic health card
RT15 Bus departure and arrival auto announcement system in bus stops
RT16 Child safety management system using RF Technology.
RT17 Advanced bus ticketing system with alert to passenger
RT18 Smart monitoring system for smart cities to monitoring and controlling of advertise hoarding lights with  light failure indication system
RT19 A new innovative and effective system for trains and railway stations for auto announcements of trains ,power saving and auto railway gate control
RT20 Advanced products  price and info display with  easy data changing  system
RT21 Advanced security systems for jeweler  shops  and banks
RT22 Automatic Zigbee based quick answering systems for multiple users for quiz games and feedback systems


IN01 Advanced secured ATM system with three layer security protection
IN02 Designing of smart and secure single ATM card for multiple bank accounts
IN03 Real-time vehicle theft control system using engine temperature measuring technique
IN04 Smart electronic feedback system to save paper and time using RFID technology
IN05 Innovative digital energy meter with over load indicator and power theft control
IN06 RFID technology based reminder system for smart home
IN07 Advanced Smart energy saving system for modern railway station platform lighting control
IN08 Designing of user friendly paper presentation control system using RF technology with  LASER light pointer
IN09 Design and development of a hand glove controlled wheel chair
IN10 Design of Concealed Alarm System Based Security system for Banks and shopping malls using GSM
IN11 Controlling multiple streetlights with single SMS with failure street light indication via SMS
IN12 Remote operated Smart electronic voice guider for physically disabled/bed ridden patients or old age people
IN13 Electronic security and tourist guider in  multiple language for museums and exhibitions
IN14 Design of accurate universal digital clock using GPS for time synchronization applications
IN15 Design and development of touch and voice based electronic slat for kids
IN16 Digital Wallet
IN17 Smart Refrigerator
IN18 Smart Helmet or motor vehicles
IN19 Locker opening and closing system Using RFID, fingerprint, password And GSM


AS01 Smart Remote for controlling electrical appliance through android mobile.
AS02 Advanced android mobile controlling robot
AS03 Smart and cost effective wireless electronic notice board message updating system from android mobile
AS04 Mobile  accelerometer/MEMS based robot controlling through android App
AS05 Smart regulator for controlling fan speed through Android mobile
AS06 Industrial parameters monitoring system through Smartphone


CN01 Chemical Industrial automation and process control system using CAN bus
CN03 Ethernet and CAN interfacing for industry
CN04 CAN base collision avoidance system for automobiles.
CN05 Distributed remote temperature monitoring and Data acquisition system based on CAN bus.
CN06 Construction of intelligent greenhouse monitoring and control system based on CAN bus
CN07 Industrial multi parameters data logger using CAN bus.
CN08 Automobile dashboard implementation using CAN bus
CN08 CAN based dash board implementation and display data on TFT LCD.


FP1 Fingerprint based Access Control system
FP2 Fingerprint Recognition enabled Passport Management System
FP3 Fingerprint based Attendance Record System
FP4 Fingerprint based Electronic Voting Machine
FP5 Fingerprint based Authentication and Controlling System of Devices


GG01 Automatic Streetlight On/Off with SMS Controlling and   light Failure detection with SMS indication.
GG02 Supervisory control and data acquisition system (SCADA) using GSM modem
GG03 UPS Battery monitoring system over GSM for High availability system
GG04 GPS based border alert system for fishermen with boat speedometer
GG05 Automatic power meter reading system using GSM network
GG06 RFID and GSM based intelligent courier mailbox system with automatic delivery notification
GG07 A smart GSM based embedded solution for continuous remote monitoring of cardiac patients Monitoring of patients via secure and mobile health care system using GSM
GG08 GPS and GSM based office cab monitoring, alerting and logging system
GG09 GSM Based Smart Information System For Lost ATM Cards
GG10 Agriculture field motor control system using GSM
GG11 Accident Identification System using GSM And GPS
GG12 Home OR Industry Security System using GSM
GG13 Industrial Electrical Devices Control System
GG14 Automatic Fire Detection and Alert System
GG15 Weather Monitoring system  in remote places
GG16 GSM based DC Motor Speed and Direction Control
GG17 Embedded Automatic Robotic Car through SMS
GG18 Substation Monitoring and Controlling System using GSM
GG19 Water reservoir monitoring and pump system using GSM
GG20 Speed Control of Thread Roller’s AC motor in Spinning Mills using GSM Modem
GG21 Real-time Industrial process controlling & monitoring using Mobile
GG22 Intelligent System for Hazardous Gas, Human Detection and Temperature Monitor Control using GSM
GG24 Cell Phone based Street Light Controlling System
GG25 Temperature Measurement over GSM Mobile
GG26 Password protected GSM based Device control.
GG27 GSM controlled Door Latch opener with Security Dialup with changeable Telephone number
GG28 Development of a GSM based Vehicle Security System
GG29 GSM based Vehicle gaseous fuel leakage detection with Automatic safety warning and alerting system
GG30 SMS based Banking security system
GG31 Home Automation and Security System using GSM
GG32 College Timetable and notice board display with auto SMS to faculties
GG33 Electronic protection to exam paper leakage
GG34 Design and development of a modern vigilance control system to enhance the rail passenger safety using GSM and GPS technology
GG35 Anti-theft Security System Using GSM,   GPS, RFID Technology
GG36 Locker opening and closing system Using RFID, fingerprint, password And GSM
GG37 Position Matching Based Autonomous Speed Regulation System forVehicles.


M2 Hand movement  recognition  System Based Mouse With Mems Accelerometer
M3 Fall Detection & Activity Monitoring For Oldsters


RFID10 RFID which detects the icons beside the road
RFID11 Electronic protection system to avoid exam paper leakages.
RFID01 Parent Alert System via SMS
RFID02 RFID based Shopping trolley
RFID03 Examination room guide using RFID
RFID04 RFID based attendance system
RFID06 RFID security access control system
RFID08 RFID based Ration Card
RFID09 RFID based Car Parking System
RFID10 RFID which detects the icons beside the road Automatic speed regulation of vehicles based on speed zones using RF technology
RFID11 Electronic protection system to avoid exam paper leakages
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